• 832-623-7199
  • 2825 Wilcrest Drive, Ste. 162, Houston, TX 77042


Physical therapy is a method of medical treatment based on a complete understanding of physiology, medical conditions, anatomy, surgeries, and movement patterns. It focuses on strength and function, restoring movement, relieving pain, and is achieved, exercises, activities, and hands-on techniques. Physical therapy also educates people on ergonomics, body mechanics, fitness, and wellness issues. Treatments include the following:

  • Home safety evaluation
  • Gait training exercise
  • Body mechanics and positioning

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can help people to live normal lives without the need for a wheelchair or other device. Our occupational therapists’ goal is to address any issue that limits the patient’s daily functionality. They do this by helping patients with injuries, illnesses, or disabilities develop, recover, and improve the skills needed for daily living and working.

After identifying the difficulties a person has with everyday tasks, occupational therapists can help by either:
• Practicing the activity in manageable stages
• Teaching a different way to complete the activity
• Recommending changes that will make the activity easier
• Providing devices that make activities easier